NK2216.K6 M6d
Möbel / |
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NK2216.L33 T3g
Furniture at Temple Newsam House and Lotherton Hall : a catalogue of the Leeds collection / |
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NK2216.L57 M87
Os Móveis e o seu tempo : mobiliário português do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, séculos XV-XIX / |
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NK2216.L66 V52
Furniture of about 1900 from Austria & Hungary in the Victoria & Albert Museum / |
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NK2216 .L66 V52 1996
Western furniture : 1350 to the present day in the Victoria and Albert Museum / |
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NK2216.L66 V52 1996
Western furniture : 1350 to the present day in the Victoria and Albert Museum / |
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NK2216 .M8 S34
Die Möbel der Schlösser Nymphenburg und Schleissheim / |
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NK2216.M8 S72
Jugendstilmöbel : Katalog der Möbelsammlung des Münchner Stadtmuseums / |
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NK2216.P32 L6f 1993
Furniture collections in the Louvre / |
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NK2216 .V403m
Möbel nach Mass : Frank, Malmsten, Raab, Asmussen : [Ausstellung], Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst Wien, 24. Oktober-30. November 1975 : [Katalog]. |
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NK2220.D7 N3
Exhibition of English & French antique furniture, the collection of the well-known connoisseurs Mr. Francis Saxham E. Drury, and the late Mrs. Drury (Miss Mabel Gerry) : [Exhibition]. |
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NK2220 .M44 B66
Inventaire des meubles de Catherine de Médicis en 1589 : mobilier, tableaux, objets d'art, manuscrits. |
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NK2220 .R2 C3
Rainham Hall and its furniture. |
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NK2220 .S23a
American antiques from Israel Sack Collection. |
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NK2220.S62 J62
New England furniture, the Colonial era : selections from the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities / |
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NK2220 .S73h
Die holzmöbel der sammlung Figdor. |
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NK2220.W2 B35j
The James A. de Rothschild collection at Waddesdon Manor / |
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NK2220.W28 F33
Washington furniture at Mount Vernon / |
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NK2220 .W5 L2f
The furniture of Windsor castle / |
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NK2229 .G37 1830
Manuel du tapissier, décorateur, et marchand de meubles, contenant les principes de l'art du tapissier; les instructions nécessaires pour choisir et employer les matières premières, décorer et meubler les appartemens, composer un ameublement complet, conserver les mobiliers ... |
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