Call Number (LC) Title Results
Paper Science Bibliographic series / 1
Papermaking & Paper History Understanding illuminated manuscripts : a guide to technical terms /
The bleaching of pulp : prepared under the direction of the TAPPI Pulp Purification Committee. /
Essentials of pulping and papermaking /
The dyeing of paper,
Papermaking, art and craft : an account derived from the exhibition presented in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., and opened on April 21, 1968.
A history of paper : its genesis and its revelations, origin and manufacture, utility and commercial value of an indispensable staple of the commercial world.
Modern paper-making /
The art of paper : from the holy land to the americas /
Paper & paper making ancient and modern /
Papermaking : The history and technique of an ancient craft.
Machines à papier : innovation et transformations de l'industrie papetière en France : 1798-1860 /
Modern pulp and paper making : a practical treatise /
Chemical and physical properties of poly(vinyl acetate) copolymer emulsions /
Les filigranes. Dictionnaire historique des marques du papier dès leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu'en 1600.
Etude sur les filigranes des papiers employés en France aux XIVe et XVe siècles /
Papermaking fibers; a photo-micrographic atlas of woody, non-woody, and man-made fibers used in papermaking,
The art and craft of handmade paper /
Dictionary and encyclopa͡edia of paper and paper-making : with equivalents of the technical terms in French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish & Swedish /
Filigranes des XIIIe et XIVe ss.
Pulp and paper manufacture.
Wallpapers for historic buildings : a guide to selecting reproduction wallpapers /
Pulp and paper : chemistry and chemical technology /
Papermaking and the art of watercolor in eighteenth-century Britain : Paul Sandby and the Whatman Paper Mill /
Paper before print : the history and impact of paper in the Islamic world /
The elder James Whatman : England's greatest paper maker (1702-1759) : a study of eighteenth century papermaking technology and its effect on a critical phase in the history of English white paper manufacture /
The Whatmans and wove paper : its invention and development in the West ; research into the origins of wove paper and of genuine loom-woven wire-cloth /
Paper--art & technology /
A history of paper-manufacturing in the United States, 1690-1916.
Handmade paper today : a worldwide survey of mills, papers, techniques and uses /
Washi, the world of Japanese paper /
Adhesives and consolidants : preprints of the contributions to the Paris Congress, 2-8 September 1984 /
Specialty papers, their properties and applications,
parker The perfect fake / 1
PARTICULARS 1983 Particulars : selections from the Miller-Plummer collection of photography / 1
payne Caravaggio; a novel 1
PB1096 .R64 Myths & legends of the Celtic race / 1
PC1075 .L554 La lingua nella storia d'Italia / 1
PC1103 .B47 1592 Locutioni di varii autori : antichi è moderni tratte dalli dittionarij vltimi, del Venuit, del Calderino, dal Thesoro del Galesino, dall' Eleganze del Cardinale Adriano, d'Aldo Mantio e del Cafaro : ridotte hora insieme & messe periodine per maggior commodità di chi desidera seruirsene in ogni occasione di studio / 1
PC1640 .C33 1967 Cassell's Italian dictionary : Italian-English, English-Italian / 1
PC1645 .L3 M37 1714 Reggia oratoria : in cui sono tutti i verbi italiani, ed altri molti vocaboli dell'ultima Crusca, con tutti i loro diversi significati : a questi posti per alfabeto perfetto, corrisponde il suo latino con varie frasi, e modi diversi di dire, cavati dal Tesoro della lingua latina dal Calepino, dall'Onomastico romano, e dal Dizionario reale del padre Pomei : onde contiene tutto il pomarium Latinitatis, il meglio dell'Eleganze d'Aldo Manuzio e del Flos Latinitatis / 1
PC2112 .G743 1969 Précis de grammaire française / 1
PC2129 .I8 N4 1700 Dialogues et historiettes diverses concernants des bons mots d'academiciens françois, des discours factieux & plaisans. 1
PC2519 .L29 1624 Le grand dictionaire des rimes françoises, selon l'ordre alphabetiqve : diligemment reueu, corrigé, & de nouueau augmenté de la moitié ... En ovltre trois traictez : I. Des coniugaisons françoises. II. De l'orthographe françoise. III. Les epithetes tirés des oeuures de Guillaume de Salluste sr. du Bartas. 1
PC3402 .M5 S43 1896 Les secrets des bestes, 1
PC4117 .V54f 1927 Fermín, libro de lectura mexicano. 1
PD1 .E54f Fernostfahrt : eine hymne, 1928-1932 / 1
PE1109 .M92 1841 English grammar : adapted to the different classes of learners, with an appendix containing rules and observations for assisting the more advanced student to write with perspicuity and accuracy / 1
PE1119 .A1 A63 The union spelling book / 1
PE1119 .A1 B37 1831 Barbauld's lessons for children. 1
PE1119 .A1 N5 1818 The New-England primer, / 1